Syllabus Specifications: The syllabus seeks to enable students to comprehend linear text (prose passages) and non-linear texts (graphs, tables, charts, flow-charts).
Study Skills in Reading:
1. Skimming and scanning
2. Deriving meaning of words from context
3. Understanding sense relationships
4. Distinguishing main Ideas and Supporting details
5. Distinguishing the relevant from the irrelevant
6. Distinguishing fact from opinion
7. Predicting outcomes
8. Making inferences
9. Making hypotheses
10. Drawing conclusions
11. Analyzing and evaluating
12. Recognizing a paraphrase
13. Transferring information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa
14. Paraphrasing
15. Summarising
Skimming is a reading technique used to get a quick idea of some of the central thoughts or main points covered in a reading passage. It helps you to:
Get a quick general overview of the topic, main ideas, theme, or subject of the passage
Identify the writer’s purpose
Shorten your reading time
How to skim?
To skim a passage effectively, we must:
1. Read the title
2. Read any heading and subheadings
3. Read the introduction
4. Read the first sentence of each paragraph
5. Read the last sentence of each paragraph
6. Look for main ideas
7. Read the last paragraph (conclusion)
Doing these also helps us to skim better:
1. Study any pictures, graphs, tables, charts, etc.
2. Glance at the entire passage and pay special attention to any capitalized, italicized, boldface words or phrases. These are usually key words or terms used in the passage.
3. Look out for definitions
4. Locate transition signals
5. Identify unusual or striking features of the passage.